Thursday, January 29, 2009



Man is a part of this whole universe. He has to share his space in the cosmos with other living beings. Thus there arises his duty to live and let live. Every man or animal lives but only man can let others live, with his special gift of brain, of course, if he chooses to use it.


I have identified four sectors/phases of human life drawing our special attention.




Once a baby comes into being it requires healthcare. Medical care - physical, mental - is needed to make the baby a better, full-grown, mature human being to take on the world in his stride. Only a healthy human with healthy mind can easily lead a better life.




Then he needs education for understanding the world around him, nurturing his skills, making maximum use of his potential and to make a space of his own. It should provide for his livelihood. It includes providing life skills, vocational training, day-to-day living and material well-being. He should have education such that he gets a suitable, easy opportunity to utilise his skills for a living. Whether a job, enterprise, profession or otherwise, it should be an independent earning. He need not be dependent on others for eking out a living. It does not always mean that an independent professional. The person should be equipped with economic skills useful for the society and he is bound to get money for optimal living.




Next stage naturally is gainful economic engagement/employment. Fully equipped with utilitarian education he may go either for a good job or start his own enterprise, industry, practise a profession. Else, even he may venture out on art based living, if he is so sure of his art skills. As you know man does not live by bread alone. He needs entertainment and stress relieving, thought inducing art/culture based programmes to engage him in leisure time. Thus Government and society should endeavour to put in place such an economic environment conducive for employing able men in various fruitful vocations for betterment of all people.




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Last but not least, a healthy and educated man with full employment/economic engagement is supposed to live happily in coordination/cooperation with fellow human beings. Then comes the necessity of non-formal, adult education in environmental, social and spiritual spheres - including ethical, cultural and aesthetic angles. Even with all the health, strength, money, power, prestige, name, fame and every material acquisitions in hand a man may be hollow inside and may become unsocial, unethical, utter selfish at times. He may lose his next destination. He may be a victim of complex competitive world, pessimism, waywardness and dilemma. That is why as soon a man reasonably settles down in his material life he must be trained for his spiritual ennoblement, self realisation and helps him reach his highest potential of becoming divine himself. Then there will not be any clash of him with his fellow living being or surrounding environment.


Spiritual awareness/awakening is the only way/panacea for all the ills of the struggling, confused humankind. Let's strive towards that END. THAT would be real BEGINNING.


Please say something… Bye.








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