Sunday, February 22, 2009

Information overload


In this information age with the advent of telecommunications and internet we are bombarded with information and message and lessons on each and everything under the sun. I call this phenomenon information overload. You are given advice on any thing. You are called if you need assistance in car loan, home loan etc. You are given demonstration of new product that may be of use and comfort to you. This marketing world is immensely taking most of use of this information revolution. They will run special advertising feature whole page on main stream national daily. You have to skip through it and thus you will at least get to know its brand. It will be etched in your memory. It will compel you to think of the brand while purchasing that product.


Even on other aspects of life. In career, every other person is an engineer, so you are constrained to send your ward to an engineering college. Earlier we used to tell/hear a lot of stories about new things, new places, and new concepts at a later stage, through some body. Now it is not so, as every one has access to all sorts of information about the surroundings, world and life through various media like Television, newspapers, periodicals, books, mobile phones, internet etc. In this age of information era you cannot feign ignorance on any aspect of world or life, as everything is accessible in one way or another.


About 10-20 years back it was very difficult to collect information from around the world on any topic of interest. Now all information is available on fingertips thanks to search engine like Google on internet.

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