Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life is a challenge

Life is a challenge we have to face. Life is a game we have to play. There is no life without a problem. Life well lived means solving all the problems that life poses and reach one's goal satisfactorily and fully. I too had a big problem that was a stumbling block to living my life in full.


Like everybody I graduated from college and landed myself in a secure and respectable job. Next stage is naturally marriage. I got a good and sensible girl as wife. Initial years passed by in enjoyment like lovebirds. In due course of time we were finding difficulty in having a baby.


Parents, relations and friends started asking irritating questions. It weakened our self-confidence. Colors went out of our lives. This problem fully seized our attention, resources and all. We started feeling ourselves disabled against the whole world. The problem is unique that it cannot be shared openly, it needs lot of money for treating medically and it is emotionally debilitating. Life was going nowhere. We could not concentrate on other aspects of life, until and unless this problem of having a baby is solved. That was the bitter truth we believed in then that life is not worth living without having a baby.


I could not share this problem with anybody. I had to think on my own. In course of time I identified a multi-pronged approach to solve this problem. Since more emotions are involved in this problem I had to pacify my spouse and I tried to keep her in good humor. I had to keep her confidence level high. Most of times concentrating on the problem may give negative results. I prodded her to engage her attention on her vocation, teaching and also her hobby, music and yoga. Thus she was left with very less time to worry about. On a number of occasions I was trying to convince her that life need not be lived as others live and life would not stop for anybody or for any problem/incident.


We are avid readers of literature and other interesting articles, magazines and books. Thus we were better placed and mature in understanding and meandering through the difficult times. At such times, having patience, letting go and simply wait and watch also go a long way in arriving at newer possibilities. Simultaneously faith gives us strength. When any problem is huge and difficult to fathom, our religious values would be of immense succor to us and it would keep our faith intact. Believing in the powers of Almighty will make us steadfast in walking the path that we have chosen or given to us.


Importantly we never failed to seek medical help. We were regularly following the medical advice, having the required medical treatments and taking recourse to specialists. We never allowed hopelessness to set in our lives. Though a few years were passed without fruits, we were taking all the requisite steps regularly, sincerely and with all heart. In the long run, our efforts paid off. In the end we had our baby princess in our laps. That is our precious moment.


Thus I had to resort to multi-pronged approach of emotional counseling, religious solace, medical treatment, faith in oneself and spousal support. Since this problem is unique it cannot be solved with a single tool. It cannot be solved by medicine alone. Only after working of all the measures stated above over period of time solution could be seen. Thus this difficulty or problem made us wiser and mature, and we could indeed think on our own feet, without depending on our parents fully.

Here is the Secret

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne : a summary


The book titled 'The Secret" is written & compiled by Rhonda Byrne published by Beyond Words publishing. Strictly speaking it is an inner engineering book. It will make you complete. It will make you reach full potential of what you can achieve. Mention is made of numerous past and present writers, thinkers, motivational gurus as well as achievers.


"As you learn The Secret, you will come to know how you can have, be, or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you in life." There are various chapters devoted to use, money, relationships, health, world, and life. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - quoted by Buddha.


Whatever we strongly feel and think, visualize for ourselves the whole universe will conspire to get us the thing desired. There were greatest people like Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein.. who knew this.


Thinking and remaining positive and believing in oneself is all that matters in tipping the balance in your favor. There are countless quotations and statements by eminent thinkers. Though they seem unbelievable they are the best thoughts that one come across to lead our lives successfully and to achieve whatever we want. The featured co-authors in this book are: Dr.John Demartini, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, Fred Alan Wolf, Michael Bernard Bethwith, Jack Canfield and so on.


You need not know how, when and why. Size, distance of the problem does not matter. You just wish and strongly focus on what you want. Your wish is my command like genie of Alladin. You will have it.


The secret book is such a nice compilation of formulae for making each of our lives successful and fulfilling no matter whatever stage we are in now. It is a must read for every ambitious human being who want to attain some thing in life. I sum it up as a live man's guide.